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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

Term 1

Making Snowmen

We made our Anderson Shelters as part of our World Around Us topic. We had a lot of fun designing these and bringing them to life.

Some more fabulous Playsport sessions 🙌🏻 We love James and Chloe on Playsport Wednesday!

It’s snowing 🌨️ We took the opportunity to go outside as soon as we saw any snow! So much fun! ⛄️ ❄️

Children in Need! We had. Special assembly for Children in Need and raised lots of money for the charity.

Odd socks days for anti bullying week. We focused on RESPECT.

Our first trip in P4 to the town library.

We have been learning about graphs in our topic maths, Data Handling. We took our whiteboards outside to create some block graphs.

Games, singing and Art from our evacuee day!

Still image for this video

A lovely video from the train station. We were able to see a train come into the station and leave again.

Still image for this video

What a fantastic day being evacuees from WW2. We had a great time visiting Antrim train station. You will find some photos of us looking sad as we had to leave our families to travel to safer places in the countryside. It was also quite exciting as a train arrived and we were able to wave at it going past. We played some games duirng that time and sang some lovely songs from WW2 in our classroom. Lastly, we visited Antrim town library and made some posters encouraging people to grow their own vegetables. We drew Potato Pete and Dr Carrot. Our costumes were great.

We love our Playsport Wednesdays 🙌🏻

Investigating the properties of 3D shapes

Using oil pastels for some Autumn leaf art 🍁🍂🥮

Working hard on our subtraction sums

We have started our Activity Based Learning tasks this week. They are linked to our World Around Us topic of WW2 and our topic maths. We made Spitfire planes, created WW2 scenes with Lego, designed posters encouraging people to grow more vegetables, dressed up as evacuees going on the train to the countryside. We also made WW2 vehicles out of construction materials and used a selection of 2D shapes to create a picture. We had so much fun and it is only week 1!

We have been learning about 2D shapes during topic maths. We sorted and discussed the properties of different shapes. We then moved to to learning about right angles. We made a right angle finder and went exploring to see how many we could find.

PE this term is 'ball skills'. We have been throwing and catching, bouncing and catching with some games along the way.

Playsport got off to a great start this week. We love seeing James and Chloe on a Wednesday.

Our first piece of Art today. We introduced our new World Around Us topic of World War 2. We talked about children being evacuated from large cities and drew some of them going to the train station to make their journey to the countryside.

