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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

Term 1

Our P1 Christmas Party πŸŽ‰πŸŽ„

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Our P7 buddies came to help us write Santa letters and to decorate Christmas tree decorations. We loved having them in our classroom. Thank you to Mrs Cardwell and her class for coming.

We had a very special visitor this week. Mr Carruthers came to speak to us about his job. He works on building sites, checking that houses have been built safely. He talked to all the P1 children about houses, building houses, the equipment he uses and what he wears to keep him safe. It was so interesting!

Taskboard this week - we are trying really hard to blend our sounds together to read and write words. Mrs Carruthers is so proud of us all!

Our Home Sweet Home topic walk. We walked around our school to see if we could find different kinds of houses. We saw old houses, new houses, detached, semi- detached houses, flats and a bungalow.

Christmas Around the World - the USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Piet Mondrian art appreciation. We looked at some famous artwork and tried to recreate our own version using squares and rectangles. We hope you like the finished product!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas tree... we really enjoyed making our Christmas trees out of paper plates. We can’t wait to display them for everyone in school to see. πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

Christmas has arrived early in Room 1 - we have been making Christmas cards for people at home. We have been learning about 2D shapes, so we used shapes to make our cards. We hope you like them!

Moving Taskboard in Room 1. We have been working really hard during our Literacy times, learning how to read and how to use and write with our Jolly Phonics sounds. Have a little look at the activities we have been doing.

Children In Need - we loved showing our spots and watching the special P6 charity assembly.

Our First Trip to St Comgall’s for Shared Education. We had a brilliant time in the St Comgall’s outdoor play area. We can’t wait to see them again!

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Remembrance Day in P1. We watched a video clip that explained to the children about Remembrance Day, we made poppies and observed a 2 minute silence.

Outdoor Learning - we decorated the capital letter at the start of our name.

Outdoor Pattern Work

Maths week 2024 - lots of great pattern work, a button box story, turn taking maths games and counting games in PE. What a fun week!

We enjoyed some outdoor play today!

PTA Party Time πŸ₯³

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We had a brilliant time today thanks to the PTA. They organised a song and dance event for us and we had a fabulous time with our friends in the hall. Thank you PTA!

Maths Time - we are learning how to copy patterns. Have a look at our brilliant pattern work!

Walk around our school

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We have been learning about people that help us in school as part of our topic this half term called β€œMe, Myself and My School”. We went for a walk around school and we were very excited when we bumped into Mr Gourley and Mr Hill!

Outdoor Learning - Leaf Rubbings

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We collected leaves and then did some beautiful leaf rubbings.

Our First Art Walk

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We walked around the classroom looking at all the beautiful work created by our friends. We got to tell everyone who’s art we liked the most and why.

Taskboard - we have been busy learning how to use our scissors, our pencils and our pincer grip!

Outdoor Play - we made portraits!

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Outdoor learning. We headed outside and wrote our names. We found twigs, leaves and other things outside and used them to write our names. We also wrote our names in chalk. We had a brilliant time!

Pattern and not pattern. We have been learning this week all about things that have a pattern. Maybe you could have a look in your house for things that have a pattern?

Making apple crumble. We made apple crumble with apples that Mrs Carruthers brought into school. We weighed out the ingredients, followed the recipe and cooked a delicious crumble in the airy fryer in our classroom. It was yummy! 🍎 🍏

Loose Parts Play - we have been experimenting, investigating and using our imaginations to create different things with loose parts. These can be anything from pine cones, to keys, feathers or shells. We had some weird and wonderful creations this week, including ice creams and castles and lots of boys and girls at one table practised balancing objects. Why not try playing with some loose parts at home?

Our First PE Lesson

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Circle time. We had our first circle time in P1. We introduced ourselves, told everyone our names and if we are a boy or a girl. We all waited very patiently for our turn and listened well when our friends were talking.

Play Based Learning in P1 Room 1

Our first maths time in P1. We have been matching objects and sorting collections. We listened to well to all the instructions we were given.

Taskboard in P1. This was our very first Taskboard time. We work in our groups to complete our different activities. We worked very hard and followed all the teachers instructions.

We are all different and we are all special. Look at our amazing art work!

We are learning to write. Look at how we can hold our pencils with birdy beaks. 🐦

We are enjoying play based learning. We get to chat to our friends, as well as learn from each other. It’s great fun!

