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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

Term 2

STEAM WEEK - Science Show with Sue. We were learning about forces - pushes and pulls. Sue made the dragon breathe out fire.

STEAM WEEK - Forest schools. We are learning to look after birds during the Winter. We learned how to build a nest then went outside to find materials and with a partner we made a nest for a bird. We think they look very comfy! 🐦

STEAM Week-Science Challenge. We are learning about pushing and pulling. We had a challenge to try to make these cars move. We tried to push and pull but it was too tricky! We had to problem solve and decided to use the rollers to move the cars easily. We all got to ride in the cars during Outdoor Play. 🚘🚙

Children's mental Health Week in P1. We loved our yoga session during PE. It was good to move our bodies and get some exercise. Then at the end we got to lie down and relax. It made us feel very calm and ready to head back to class and learn lots! 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏻‍♂️🧘🏿‍♂️🧘🏽‍♀️

Outdoor Play with our Primary 1 Friends. We had an extended Play Session with all the P1 pupils this week for Children’s mental health week. Going outdoors in the sunshine and getting fresh air is an excellent way to have fun and boost our mood.😊

Shared Education at Antrim Primary School. We invited our Buddies from St Comgalls to join our Play Based Learning. We had snack together and then we went out to play in the playground - it was lots of fun. Lots of children saw friends from their nursery school or from where they live. It was lovely to meet up and we hope to do it again soon.

Our Big Bird Watch! 🦉🦅🦆 We had lots of fun on our bird watch - we found lots of different birds on our school grounds!

School Book Fair 📚We went to the Book Fair and had some stories and had a look at all the wonderful books.

Big School Bird Watch....we are learning how to take care of birds. During our taskboard we made bird feeders. We also labelled a bird, wrote sentences and coloured our favourite bird.

We love taking our turn in the IWB....we are playing a game to Read CVC words and we are practising our sounds!

Outdoor Play - we had lots of fun with our friends from Room 4 playing with our outdoor learning resources.

We are learning about measuring in our Topic Maths...we had a maths taskboard with different activities about length.

Art and Design-This week we painted ourselves wrapped up for Winter with woolly hats, scarves and mittens!

It was the perfect weather to introduce our new topic....Winter Wonderland - our school was a Winter Wonderland! We went out to look at Winter trees and then we painted them in class. We added white paint and glitter for the snow.

