Term 2
Welcome to Room 7
Our PE is on a Monday, remember to wear your PE kit each Monday. Dark coloured bottoms, white polo shirt and a school jumper.
We are currently finishing off our Viking topic and will soon be moving on to learning about space!
This term our topic is 'Space’
We will learn about;
- The Solar System
- The size of the Sun, Moon and Earth
- The Earth's rotation
- The Earth's orbit
- How the Moon reflects sunlight
We will be learning;
- Gender
- Onomatopoeia
- Simile and Metaphor
- Apostrophe to show possession
- Apostrophe to show contraction
- Comprehension skills
- Inference
- Spellings
- Prefix and Suffix
We will be Learning;
- Fractions
- Calendar
- Money
- Problem solving
- Mental Arithmetic
We have lots of fun in Room 7 and work very hard.