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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

Term 1

Christmas Jumper Day.

We are learning about Symmetry.

Light and Dark topic - classroom displays

Activity Based Learning - Light and Dark topic.

We have fun playing the doubles game.

We had a lovely surprise today in school. Pudsey came to visit us.

Odd sock day for Anti-bullying Week.

In the Garden displays.

We are learning about 2d shapes. We enjoyed playing the shape game.

Poppy chalk drawings.

We had a fun morning of song and dance with Hannah. The juice, crisps and sweets were a lovely treat.

Maths Week - We enjoyed playing lots of Maths games.

Planting Bulbs - We followed the instructions we wrote to plant bulbs.

Box sums using cuisenaire.

Harvest Assembly.

Writing instructions - We followed instructions to make jam sandwiches and enjoyed eating them too. 🥪

We are working with money to 20p. we played the Topmarks coin game to help us.

Activity Based Learning - In the Garden

Playsport - Dodgeball

Hydrangeas - Finger Painting

