Term 1
Welcome to Room 21
Our PE day is a Wednesday. Please remember to wear your PE kit to school each Wednesday. This can be our school PE kit or dark coloured bottoms, white polo shirt and a school jumper.
This year we also have a student, Miss Reed. Miss Reed will be teaching us some lessons this term along side Mrs Hasson .
This term our topic is 'All About Antrim’
We will learn about;
- Map Skills
- The Round Tower
- Castle Grounds
- Explore a Local Habitat: Lough Neagh
- Local Myths and Legends
We will be learning;
Parts of Speech
- Nouns: Proper/Common/Collective
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
-Comprehension skills
- writing a play script
We will be Learning;
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- times tables
- Mental Arithmetic
We have lots of fun in Room 21 and we work very hard.