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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

Term 1

Welcome to Room 21


Our PE day is a Wednesday. Please remember to wear your PE kit to school each Wednesday. This can be our school PE kit or dark coloured bottoms, white polo shirt and a school jumper.


This year we also have a student, Miss Reed. Miss Reed will be teaching us some lessons this term along side Mrs Hasson . 


This term our topic is 'All About Antrim’

We will learn about;

- Map Skills

- The Round Tower

- Castle Grounds

- Explore a Local Habitat: Lough Neagh

- Local Myths and Legends 



We will be learning;

Parts of Speech

- Nouns: Proper/Common/Collective

- Verbs

- Adjectives

- Adverbs

-Comprehension skills

- writing a play script




We will be Learning;

- Addition

- Subtraction

- Multiplication

- Division 

- times tables 

- Mental Arithmetic 




We have lots of fun in Room 21 and we work very hard. 

Our Christmas salt dough decorations

Jingle Bells 🎼🎊

Still image for this video

Viking Dig

Our .Breathe session with Emma

Making maths fun with Izac 9

Ice egg science experiment

Our star of the week is...

Learning all about continents

Our Minecraft Coding lesson

Our star of the week this week ⭐️

Our Perspective Art Gallery

Our Personality Portraits

Our star of the week this week ⭐️

Our Round Tower Art in the style of Paul Klee

Our trip to the Round Tower

