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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

Term 1

A special visitor in school🎅🏼🎄

Christmas Tree Festival 

We enjoyed a lovely morning seeing all of the wonderful Christmas trees in 1st Antrim Presbyterian Church! 

Christmas Jumper Day

Class Assembly

During our class assembly, we told the story of the Wise and Foolish Builder and sang ‘The Building Song’. Everybody did so well! 

Times Tables Rockstars

A super start to TTRS! This is really helping us to learn and practise our tables!

Children in Need 

Have a look at our spots! 

Anti-Bullying Week

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, we discussed the importance of respect and kindness. We enjoyed writing and receiving our compliment postcodes! Everybody had a big smile on their face reading their compliments!


Using watercolours and colouring pencils, we created our self-portraits. You can definitely see the resemblance! 

Fun in the sun! 
P5 made the most of the glorious, sunny weather!


We have certainly been enjoying PE so far this term! 


To help us understand symmetry, we created symmetrical patterns using multi-link cubes, counters, Lego and the interactive whiteboard. Well done, P5!


Learning lots of new skills on the laptops! 

Pasta Skeleton 

The boys and girls in Room 20 have enjoyed learning about the skeleton. Have a look at our pasta skeletons! 

