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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

Term 1

Santa Visits Antrim Primary School - all the boys and girls were very excited! 🎅🏻

Our P1 Christmas Party. We danced, had pass the parcel and a Christmas story - we have some fabulous dancers in Room 3! Then we had a Christmas Party Box for Dinner!

We went on a shape hunt today using our shape finders, it was great fun! ◻️🔻🔵

Our P7 Buddies came to visit today. They helped us to write our Santa Letters and make a Christmas bauble decoration for our trees.

Pantomime-Christmas 2024. We saw Cinderella at the theatre in Larne. We enjoyed the show and loved the happy ending.

Christmas Jumper day and Christmas Dinner

Drama. We love the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We made masks and then acted out the story in our school library. We had lots of fun!

ICT in Room 3 - We made a caterpillar with a two colour pattern on the IWB

Children in Need and a visit from Pudsey!

Halloween Tasks during our Taskboard Time.

Halloween Play Based Learning. We has lots of fun activities this week like making monsters, finger painting, a haunted house, spiders web, spooky rice tray and making positions at the cauldron. We especially loved the fancy dress costumes!

Maths Week - we enjoyed making and eating patterns made with marshmallows and fruit. 🍡

Outdoor our Numeracy we are learning about Pattern. We went outside to use a variety of natural materials to create our own patterns.

Maths Week-We played the game Hungry Hippos in the Hall. We had to sort the balls into sets of the correct colour. Then we tried again to see which team could collect the most! It was so much fun!

We love taskboard activities! This week we have been learning to use scissors, exercising our fingers using tweezers and developing our pre-reading skills and pencil skills. We are learning to work with good concentration and to try our best.

Outdoor Learning. We love to get outside when the weather is nice. Today we went on a scavenger hunt to collect materials for mark making. We found twigs, leaves, feathers, stones, pine cones and conkers. We then used them with paint to be creative and make shapes and patterns on paper.

Shared Education September 2024. We had a video call with our Buddies from St. Comgall’s Primary School. We had a chat and sang some songs. We then arranged to meet and have a play date in October.

Apple Crumble. We made a delicious treat in class using the apples from Mrs Carruther’s Apple tree. We had to peel and chop the apples and then make the crumble topping. We put it in the air fryer and when the timer went off it was ready to enjoy!

Maths Time in P1. This week we have been learning about matching in our numeracy. The children had to match pictures that were the same and make chains of learning links that were the same colour. We also explored sets of random collections with the teacher on the carpet. We all listened carefully to the instructions and completed our tasks well.

Outdoor Learning in P1. We took our literacy outside this week and had a go at writing our names in the playground. Everyone tried their best to copy the letters correctly. Some children then drew a picture of themselves.

Fun in the sun! ☀️ This week has been so lovely we went out to use our school Trim Trail. It was really good fun and we got to exercise our bodies and play with our friends.

This week we went to PE in the Hall for the first time! We all tried our best to get ready independently and had a great time playing listening games in the Hall.

Our first few days in P1 - we have enjoyed playing with a variety of resources during play based learning. ☺️

Fun in the playground with our friends 👫👭👬

Our Special Names....we decorated our names with collage materials to make them unique and beautiful...just like us. They will make a lovely display in our classroom.

Snack Time in Room 3 🥖🍇🍓🍎🍌🥐

Our first day in Primary 1! 🖤❤️💛

