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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

Term 1

Welcome to Room 22


Our PE is on a Tuesday, remember to wear your PE kit each Friday. Dark coloured bottoms, white polo shirt and a school jumper. Our toast days are Tuesday and Friday.


This term our topic is 'All About Antrim’

We will learn about;

- Map Skills

- Continents

- Oceans

- Tropics 

- The history of The Round Tower

- Castle Grounds

- Lough Neagh - Exploring local habitats 

- Local Myths and Legends 



We will be learning;

Parts of Speech

- Nouns - Proper/Common/Collective

- Verbs

- Adjectives

- Adverbs 

- Comprehension Skills

- Writing a Play Script

- Spellings



We will be Learning;

- Addition

- Subtraction 

- Multiplication

- Division

- Multiplication and Division Facts 

- Mental Arithmetic 


We have lots of fun in Room 22 and work very hard. 


Rm 22 - Stars of the Week

TTRS - We love celebrating our TTRS achievements by rocking out the door on a Friday afternoon!

Our Shared Education Trip to Antrim Castle Gardens was a big success. We made some nature art, built dens, played team games and enjoyed a lovely picnic.

We had fun using archery and ICT to help us learn the countries of Europe!

We visited the Antrim Round Tower where Mrs McCullough taught us all about its history. Mrs Hassan then helped us identify its structural features so we could come back to class and work on a 'Round Tower' art project.

We've been busy making a start on our coffee cup masterpieces, we can't wait to see the finished result!

Room 22 having fun while securing our understanding of place value.

