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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

Term 3

Crazy Hair Day

Outdoor Play on a lovely May morning. What fun, what amazing learning!!!

Work completed this term.

M and M Theatrical Productions came to Antrim Primary. They did a performance of The Secret Garden


Come to Antrim Primary Ice Cream Shop. 1p for a cone, 1p for ice cream, 1p for sprinkles and 1p for sauce. What will you have on yours and how much will that cost?

During PBL we made a truck to carry a small bar of chocolate. We used lots of types on construction toys. We then made sure the truck could move and carry the chocolate. Finally we ate the chocolate. We know what the best bit was!!! 🫣


We did some Maths Challenge Activities in the assembly hall. Our friends in P7 came to help us. We never realised that Maths could be so much fun! 🧮

Forest School Activies

We went into our school grounds to do some Forest School Work. We had to make animals, insects or birds from what we had collected. Can you recognise what we have made?

Scientific Sue came to Antrim Primary today. She did lots of amazing experiments and we were allowed to help. She told us how the experiments worked. She told us all about the science behind them. We learnt about gravity, push and pull, friction, magnets and how chemicals make certain substances change. It was a super show to watch. 

P7 came down to help us with Coding. We used the Jit5 programme. 

We read the story of Rosie’s Hat. We then used junk materials, ribbons and felt pens to make a hat for Rosie. We took it outside in the wind to find out the direction the wind was blowing. What fun we had!!

Room 4 went outside with Room 3 to enjoy a session of outdoor play. The rain stayed off, but we had our coats on to cope with Northern Ireland weather!!! We built walls, we took our babies for a walk, we wrote on the chalkboard, we went for a ride in our cars and we did some exercises.

