Apple Pie Afternoon
Dear Parent
Apple Pie and Ice Cream
We are delighted to host our ever-popular Apple Pie afternoon for parents and children on Wednesday 14th October when apple pie and ice-cream/custard, tea and coffee will be served in the School Hall at home times. The cost will be £2.00 per person, or 50p for ice-cream or a cookie if preferred, payable on the day.
P1 – P3 Children and Parents From 2.05 pm
P4 – P7 Children and Parents From 3.05 pm
If you would like to attend, please could you indicate your interest by informing your child’s teacher by Friday 9th October. Due to the popularity of this event it is important that we have a good idea of numbers in advance. Those who show up on spec may have to wait to be seated.
Please note that children attending should be accompanied by and remain under the supervision of an adult.
Mr I Gourley