Book Fair
We are pleased to announce that a Book Fair will be held in School in the Music Room from Wednesday 27th January – Tuesday 2nd February. There will be books for all ages and abilities. The enclosed Book Fair News will give you some idea of the selection available.
The benefits of such a Fair can be enormous - firstly encouraging children to take an interest in books and to provide access to a wide range of titles; and secondly by funding new resources for our school.
This year the P.T.A. is once again encouraging parents to “sponsor” a book, which will then be added to the School Library. Parents who are interested may put their name beside a book on the ‘PTA Sponsored Book’ list and pay the PTA member in attendance. The list will be available in the Music Room.
You are warmly invited to browse and purchase at the following times when P.T.A. members will be in attendance.
Wednesday 27th January 2.00 pm – 3.45 pm
Thursday 28th January 2.00 pm – 3.45 pm
Friday 29th January 2.00 pm - 3.45 pm
Monday 1st February 2.00 pm - 3.45 pm
Tuesday 2nd February 2.00 pm - 3.45 pm
If you are unable to visit the Fair there are two ways in which you can purchase books for your child:
1. You can select and order from the Book Fair Leaflet. (All pupils will visit the Fair with their teacher at least once so they will have the opportunity to see the books before deciding which to purchase.) Books must be paid for at time of purchase or order.
2. You can send money to school and your child’s teacher, classroom assistant or adult helper will assist in an appropriate choice of books. Please complete and return the form below if you wish your child to choose in this way.
We are sure, as usual, our pupils will thoroughly enjoy this experience.
Thank you for your support.
I Gourley
Child’s Name _______________________________ Class ________
My child has brought £ ______ to be spent at the Book Fair.
Signed ____________________________
Please do not send any money to school until the Book Fair has started.