Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Jumper Day (School Aid for the Philippines)
We are inviting all pupils to take part in a Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 18th December. Everyone is asked to wear their sparkliest, silliest, cosiest Christmas woollies! Your child can decorate a plain jumper with tinsel or baubles, or wear a festive jumper if they already have one.
This year we are supporting a programme from The Literacy in a Box Trust, in partnership with Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland. The object of the trust is to advance education in schools in third world countries. A member of our teaching staff, Mr Rainey spent two weeks last summer in the Philippines and saw first hand what a benefit the boxes would be to the children out there.
There will be a collection box available on Friday 18th December for contributions (suggested donations £1.00). Parents who have children in P1 – P3 classes will have the opportunity to make a donation at the Christmas Assembly on Wednesday 9th December.
A sample of the Literacy Box is on view in the school foyer. A Literacy Box costs £295 and contains enough materials for 25 children. Just £12 gives one of these children the essentials to be able to attend school.
Your support is much appreciated.
Mr I Gourley