December News
School will close at 12 o’clock on Friday 18th December. Friday is Christmas Jumper Day (refer to separate note). School will resume for pupils on Tuesday 5th January. A staggered system will be in place on Friday:-
11.40am P4-P7 children will be escorted to the doors by their teacher.
11.50am P1-P3 children will be brought to the doors as usual.
P1-P7 children who are travelling by bus will be escorted to the bus stop.
As we expect a high volume of traffic at these times, we would ask parents/carers to take extra care.
The school kitchen will be closed on Friday.
PTA Christmas Fair
Thank you to all who supported this very enjoyable event. A huge thank you to the PTA Committee and our parent volunteers for all their hard work. A record total of more than £1,900 was raised!
P1 – P3 Christmas Assemblies - Wriggly Nativity
Congratulations to both staff and pupils for a very special morning. Thank you to parents and friends who supported these performances.
School Carol Service
Our choir, orchestra and P4 singers are looking forward to a lovely evening of festive entertainment on Tuesday evening.
Community Events
Several of our P6 and P7 choir members will be taking part in the Community Carol Service at Antrim Forum on Saturday.A lovely afternoon was enjoyed by all who attended.Our thanks to Mrs Reed and Mrs Moore.
Many parents and friends supported the P4 classes when they sang so beautifully at the Castle Mall.
P1 – P4 children have enjoyed Christmas outings to theatre.P5 - P7 pupils enjoyed their trip to the cinema
Best wishes to all our families for a lovely Christmas!