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Primary School

'Start Right to Shine Bright'

October Circular

13th October 2015


School Charity 2015

Our pupils are enjoying their sponsored events.  We would ask parents to return sponsor forms and money by Friday 16th October, as we will be presenting our cheque to a representative from RNLI next Tuesday 20th October.  Many thanks for your support.


Primary One 2016

Forms for next year's P1 intake will be available from the school office during the first week in December.  Our Open Afternoon for prospective parents will be held on Tuesday 1st December at 3.15pm.


Half-Term Holiday (Thursday 22nd October - Friday 30th October)

School will finish at 2.00pm for all pupils on Wednesday 21st October.


In order to ease traffic congestion, a staggered system will be in place.


1.50pm - P4-P7 pupils will be escorted to the door by their teacher.

                P1-P7 children who are getting the bus will be escorted to the bus stop.


2.00pm - P1-P3 pupils will come to the school door as usual with their teacher.


Crossing patrols will be in place.


Classes will resume on Monday 2nd November.  Wishing you all a restful half term break.


Mr I Gourley   

